Cooperating with Like-Minded churches is the point
We exist to advance the Kingdom of Christ by unifying our member churches to serve one another through Reaching Up, Reaching In and Reaching Out.
Supporting Growing Churches
Creating a constant flow of contemporary innovative ideas through networking resources to keep churches on the cutting edge of growth.

Strengthening Existing Churches
Coming alongside churches in need of new energy with a network of leaders to aid them on reaching their community for Christ.
Starting New Churches
Reaching new segments of our community with the gospel through creation of fellowships designed to meet them at their point of greatest need.

Current Events
Being an Association of many churches with many community partners makes keeping up with all that is happening is difficult. But thanks to technology all the information you need is provided right here. Take time to look at what the Lord is doing in your community.
let us know
The only way the member churches can cooperate and not duplicate ministry is for them to LET US KNOW what they are doing in all ministry areas. Take time to fill out the form that will help promote your ministry with every church in the Association.